An Interview with Simona Bernadini, Director of the Italian Trade Agency in Sydney
Tony De Domenico and his multifaceted career. Journalist, politician, chairman, industry leader, Order of Australia Member and nonno... Meet former ACT deputy chief minister and chairman of Bertocchi Smallgoods.
"“Are you Italian?" "“Yes, but I was born and raised in Australia." "“Well, you're Australian then."
In 2016, Alessandro Verratti and Matteo Murone returned home from Genova, crushed, thinking all hope was lost. 'I didn't want to do anything but play soccer,' Alessandro says, 'I couldn't accept that it was over.'
Postwar migration saw Australia's first Italians forming small communities around the city of Melbourne, creating "Little Italy" on Lygon street, Carlton.
Homemade lunch at Nonna's, Italian school on Saturdays, traditions of sauce making season, salami and olive. These are a few of the precious memories each founder and member of VITA share and hold dearly.