An Interview with Simona Bernadini, Director of the Italian Trade Agency in Sydney
Seresilk is the only Australian cruelty-free silk-based skincare product in the world. The four-step night routine range uses only 24 ingredients and harnesses silk’s natural healing properties.
November 2023 marked the return of the Global Startup Program to Singapore. Segmento spoke to Rita Bonucchi, a co-founder of Coffeefrom, one of the eight startups participating in the Global Startup Program.
From established publishing house to innovative cultural hub.
Alessandro Lo Giudice is known for his work on residential and hospitality projects. In this interview, the architect/restaurateur describes his most recent project, Kucina, Singapore’s first Italian halal restaurant.
An interview with a thought leader in sustainable economics.
Beauty was not enough for Ferragamo; he strove for comfort and functionality in his designs. Australian fashionistas and business leaders share how the iconic shoemaker inspires them.
Disruptions to trade caused by the pandemic had a serious impact on the world economy. As the situation finds a new equilibrium, it is worth taking stock of the trade balance sheet between Italy and Australia.
Over the years I followed the success story of Giorgio Linguanti, and kept eating his products. When Segmento asked me to attend the That’s Amore Cheese’s anniversary event, it felt like attending an old friend's party.
Global climate instability is a complex issue we have grappled with for decades. With bushfires, floods, and climate disasters regularly dominating the news, concerns around mass extinction have never been more palpable.
Eleonora Sacco, traveler and entrepreneur, has transformed her passion for travel into a successful business. We explore her project and reveal that her secret lies within everyone’s reach.
Italian style for business success. The need to make a good impression is ingrained in Italian culture. How does this translate across cultures?
A year after his appointment, Ambassador Mario Vattani shares his commitment to support the Italian businesses in the Asian city-state, presenting its achievements so far and its plans for the future.
Confapi Sicilia is promoting initiatives of human capital and economic development among municipalities in Sicily. Dhebora Mirabelli spoke to Segmento about their latest project, Pensiamo a sud.
Tony De Domenico and his multifaceted career. Journalist, politician, chairman, industry leader, Order of Australia Member and nonno... Meet former ACT deputy chief minister and chairman of Bertocchi Smallgoods.
Closing a business deal is as much about figures as it is about negotiation and behavioral skills. Maura Di Mauro has been researching and consulting with small and large firms in how to succeed with a global mindset.
Luca Scribani-Rossi is a man of many accomplishments, and, some might say, identities: a proud Italo-Australian, Olympic champion, and captain of business. We meet Luca, the outgoing president of the ICCI Melbourne.
Honorary Professor Bruno Mascitelli provides a commentary on the European response to the unfolding crisis with conflict in Ukraine and its impact on global equilibrium as well as Australia.
Segmento farewells Trade Commissioner Paola De Faveri, whose 4-year posting at the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) in Sydney comes to an end this November. We talked to her about ITA and the importance of Made in Italy brand.
The Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio has a game plan to ensure the community has a range of sustainable solutions in response to one of our biggest global challenges, climate change, and speaks to Segmento about her "mission".
The female who's who of the Italian business community gathered Wednesday evening 23 October for the launch of the Italian Business Women's Network, hosted at Ferrari Brisbane.
Life sometimes is more creative than your dreams. For sure Arnie Pizzini couldn't even imagine what his father's property would have become in time, but he had an intuition.
She has a warm smile, curious blue eyes and she walks as though she's gliding gently over the floor. Years have passed since she was last on a catwalk, but it seems that hers is a gait you never lose.