Holly Sposato, a 16 year-old soccer prodigy, has taken the Australian Premier League by storm. Thomas Martinelli achieved one of Victoria’s highest VCE scores in 2022, is now pursuing a degree in Microbiology at MelbUni.
Established in 1952, Brisbane City FC was more than just a soccer team, it served as a place for Italian migrants to gather with friends and celebrate their heritage. In 2024 the club aims to revive its Italian identity.
For Italians, looking the part is just as important as playing like champions, and the UEFA Final was an opportunity to put away our pandemic fashions of slippers and elasticized pants. . .
In 2016, Alessandro Verratti and Matteo Murone returned home from Genova, crushed, thinking all hope was lost. 'I didn't want to do anything but play soccer,' Alessandro says, 'I couldn't accept that it was over.'